There's Nothing Bore-ing About This!
Because of the mild winter this year, we have already scouted some wood borers emerging and will begin borer treatments next week. The borers that we have identified have been the Flat-Headed Apple Tree Borer. These borers are of the insect family Buprestidae, and the genus Chrysobothris. They have a bronze metallic underside and the wings (elytra) on top are a gray to black color. When they spread their wings to fly, they reveal a bright, metallic green color on the top of their back (abdomen).
Fertilizing your trees helps to promote their strong vigorous growth, as well as their nutritional health. It helps to protect them from disease, insect infestation and extreme weather conditions; however, it cannot guarantee that they won’t experience an insect attack. If you notice any suspicious insect activity on your trees, nd would like more information on how to control them, please email us right away to schedule a visit to inspect your trees.
Please only trust a Certified Arborist to make an accurate diagnosis.